Weight gain

Many women experience weight gain during the menopause. There are a number of reasons for this, not all of which are exclusively attributable to the menopause.

With age, muscle mass diminishes. Muscles consume a large proportion of energy. With menopause, the intensity of physical exercise is often reduced, as a consequence of ageing. Fat burning diminishes and the metabolism slows down, consuming less energy. If daily caloric intake is not adapted to the reduced needs, body weight increases.

The absence of ovulation is a further factor influencing weight gain. This is because the female body consumes large amounts of energy for both egg maturation and ovulation!

Women who gain weight during the menopause often notice it in the abdomen. This is due to the cessation of female sex hormone production and the increase in levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Changes in hormone levels also affect the distribution of body fat. This shifts from the buttocks, thighs and hips (pear-shaped silhouette) to the abdominal area (apple-shaped silhouette).

Staying active through sport during menopause

Sufficient physical activity can improve well-being and slow down the aging process. The important thing is to find a sporting activity that you enjoy, that fits into your daily routine and that feels good.

The Federal Office of Sports FOSPO, Health Promotion Switzerland and the Accident Prevention Bureau BPA form the hepa. ch network in collaboration with theFederal Office of PublicHealth FOPH. The latter defines Swiss recommendations for physical activity, and adopts the following basic recommendations 1:

  • At least 2½ hours of physical activity per week, in the form of daily activity or sport of at least moderate intensity, or 1¼ hours of sport or physical activity of high intensity.

At the time of menopause, women's basal metabolic rate is around a third lower than at age 25. This corresponds to a reduction in daily energy requirements of around 400 kcal on average between the ages of 25 and 60. If calorie intake remains the same, more energy is stored in the body in the form of fat, leading to weight gain. As a result, we need to adjust our calorie intake and keep up with regular physical activity.


    1. Office fédéral du sport OFSPO, Recommandations en matière d'activité physique, "Activité physique et santé. Document de base", https://www.hepa.ch/fr/bewegungsempfehlungen.html